As a leading law firm in the global open economy, much of our work is international.
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Whilst we are based in Dublin and advise on Irish law, we also have offices in Belfast, London, New York, and San Francisco.
We advise a large number of international clients doing business in and from Ireland. We also advise our Irish clients on their activities and operations abroad. We can assist you anywhere in the world.
Our international practice is overseen by our International Committee who has overall responsibility for our close relationships with leading law firms around the world, including through formal and informal networks. Every year, we work and collaborate with, on average, about 200 of those firms. We invest in these relationships through regular interactions and often through secondment arrangements for our younger lawyers. Through these very strong relationships, we can access top quality, cost-efficient, and timely advice and services for our clients.
We frequently put together teams of lawyers around the world to advise on cross-border transactions and cases and ensure, through the calibre of our partner firms and the strength of our relationships, that our clients receive the best advice and services available in each market in a seamless way. We manage the provision of legal advice and remain accountable to our clients for service delivery and quality. Likewise, we can make recommendations to our clients about local lawyers and firms, recommendations that are based on experience and knowledge of the firms and markets in question.
We have teams that focus on specific jurisdictions and areas, including the principal countries in Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East. They are responsible for developing relationships with our network of top-tier law firms in each region.