Colin Rooney
+353 1 920 1194
[email protected]
Ten Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2
D02 T380
Colin is Head of our Technology and Innovation Group. He advises on data protection and privacy, information technology, outsourcing, cloud computing and e-business matters.
Colin has extensive experience advising domestic and international clients on information management issues, with his data protection and information technology practice covering all aspects of data processing across all industry sectors. His practice also has a strong emphasis on commercial IT agreements. Colin is a frequent speaker on data protection and freedom of information topics, including at the Data Protection Leadership Forum, which the Group launched in 2019. He is also a frequent contributor to various legal journals on the above-mentioned topics.
Relevant Experience
- Advising an autonomous car part supplier on data and contractual matters
- Advising an international educational platform on data and contractual matters
- Advising a leading telecommunications company on data protection compliance
- Advising a retailer on a range of information technology and intellectual property matters (including several matters of a contentious nature)
- Advising a bank on an IT sourcing and a software dispute
- Advising a leading supplier of database software on a range of contractual and intellectual property matters, including several matters of a contentious nature (ongoing over the last ten years)
- Advising an Irish regulator on information technology support matters
- Advising an existing client on a protracted IT dispute with a leading IT supplier and negotiation of the settlement of this dispute
Insights Blog

First Draft Released of the General-Purpose AI Code of Practice

GDPR Compensation: Some Welcome Clarity from the CJEU

Criminal Sanction for Data Protection Issues

New ICO Guidance on Children’s Data

Individuals are entitled to know the specific recipients of their personal data

No Blue Ticks: Limitations to Employer Use of Employee WhatsApp Messages in Litigation
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Avoiding a Half-Baked Approach – EDPB Issues Opinion on Interplay between GDPR and e-Privacy Directive

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