One Step Closer to Increased Protection for Employees in Insolvency Situations
The Employment (Collective Redundancies and Miscellaneous Provisions) and Companies (Amendment) Bill 2023 (the “Bill”) proposes amendments to the existing collective redundancy regime in insolvency situations. If enacted, the Bill will deliver on key Programme for Government commitments detailed in the Plan of Action – Collective Redundancies following Insolvency.
On 28 February 2024, the Bill passed the final stage of the legislative process in Dáil Éireann and will now be put before Seanad Éireann. Once the Bill has passed through the Seanad, the next step is for the President to sign the Bill into law. The text of the Bill that will go before the Seanad remains unchanged since our Employment Law Team wrote about the key changes it proposes in a December 2023 briefing: Progress on Increased Protection for Employees in Insolvency Situations – Arthur Cox LLP.
The long-anticipated Bill is marked as priority in the Government’s Spring Legislative Programme for 2024. Further detail on all employment related legislation set out in that programme is available in our briefing: 2024 Priority Legislation for Publication relating to Employment Law – Arthur Cox LLP.
Please get in touch with any member of our market-leading Employment Law Team if you wish to discuss this recent development or any other employment law related matter.
The content of this update is provided for information purposes only and is not legal or other advice.