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We aim to provide our client with practical and straightforward advice and help them to find commercial and cost effective solutions to pension problems. Our client base includes large public sector and multi-national private companies, trustees and administrators as well as smaller companies. We have a proven track record and a substantial depth of specialist knowledge.

We advise trustees, administrators and companies on all aspects of occupational pension provisions including;

  • Corporate transactions including mergers, acquisitions, re –organisations and wind-ups
  • Restructuring issues including section 75 and “moral hazard” considerations
  • Reducing liabilities and risk in defined benefit schemes, including buy-ins and buy-outs
  • Alternative benefit design or changing benefits
  • Management of risk in defined contribution arrangements
  • Investment management and custody
  • Public sector arrangements and outsourcing
  • Regulatory and accounting issues
  • Scheme administration and governance
  • Insolvency related matters
  • Dispute resolution and pensions litigation
  • Documentation scheme amendment review
  • Customised trustee training

Relevant Experience

  • Advising several multi-national organisations on closing to defined benefit future accrual and switching to a defined contribution structure for future service
  • Advising a public sector client on significant re-write of scheme documentation
  • Advising a public sector client on dealing with LGPS(NI) and PCSPS(NI) in relation to transfer of pension liabilities on restructuring of organisation
  • Advising on pension aspects of corporate transactions over the last number of years
  • Review of scheme documentation for major defined contribution scheme
  • Advising a public sector client in respect to pensions aspects of TUPE