Climate Action Plan 2023: Government finalises Annex of Actions
Insights Blog
We looked at the Government’s Climate Action Plan, required to be updated annually under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Acts, here.
The more detailed Annex of Actions is now available here.
The Annex covers all sectors. Some of the actions of most interest to the electricity sector, particularly those developing renewable generation and storage capacity, are highlighted below.
Action number | Actions | Timeline | Lead | Stake-holders |
EL/23/4 | Prepare new draft wind energy guidelines for onshore renewables | Q4 2023 | DHLGH | DECC |
EL/23/5 | Complete analysis to update Shaping Our Electricity Future to accommodate 80% renewables and align with carbon budgets and sectoral emissions ceilings for electricity | Q2 2023 | EirGrid | |
EL/23/8 | Ensure MARA commences the consenting processes under its remit | Q3 2023 | MARA | |
EL/23/9 | Publish a system-wide plan for the delivery of ORE in Ireland | Q2 2023 | Offshore Wind Delivery Taskforce | |
EL/23/14* | Ensure that hybrid technology grid connections are facilitated, and remaining barriers removed | Q4 2023 | CRU | EirGrid, ESBN |
EL/23/15 | Publish public consultation on private wires with published policy to follow and, if necessary, Government enact facilitating legislation | Q4 2023 | DECC | DETE |
EL/23/16 | Publish updated Interconnection Policy to reflect Ireland’s increased climate and energy ambition, the revised EU TEN-E Regulation, Brexit challenges and the increased significance of hybrid interconnectors | Q2 2023 | DECC | |
EL/23/17 | Following completion of DECC Interconnector Policy, CRU to update its Interconnection Policy | Q4 2023 | CRU | |
EL/23/18 | Complete and publish System Services Future Arrangements Phase III: Detailed Design and Implementation Transition Pathway | Q1 2023 | CRU | |
EL/23/19* | Prepare Implementation Plan for Future Arrangements for System Services | Q2 2023 | EirGrid | ESBN |
EL/23/20 | Procure low-carbon inertia services Phase I by 2023, to be operational by 2025 | Q4 2023 | EirGrid | ESBN |
EL/23/21* | Carry out further studies to identify the investments and upgrades needed to facilitate 80% renewable electricity annual share | Q2 2023 | CRU, EirGrid, ESBN | |
EL/23/22 | Publish a policy framework for electricity storage based on electricity system needs | Q3 2023 | DECC | |
EL/23/23 | Review the regulatory treatment of storage including licensing, charging and market incentive | Q4 2023 | CRU |
Three further actions are set out for the new Offshore Wind Energy Taskforce. Actions on demand management include publication of a demand side strategy and implementation plan in Q4 2023.