Arthur Cox Launches Employment Law Yearbook
On 24 April 2018, the recently published Arthur Cox Employment Law Yearbook 2017 was launched at our offices at Ten Earlsfort Terrace. The seventh volume of the Yearbook summarises the key employment law developments in 2017 including:
- Decisions of the superior courts, Labour Court, Equality Tribunal, Employment Appeals Tribunal and the Workplace Relations Commission
- Irish legislation and statutory instruments
- English law relevant to common law decisions
- Decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and relevant Directives/Regulations
The authors contributing to this edition bring their expertise from various areas of Arthur Cox, including employment law, pensions, tax, privacy and data protection. It is an innovative and unique resource for lawyers, human resource professionals, management, public and private sector employers, trade union officials, employees and students of employment law for whom keeping abreast of employment law is a major challenge.
The Arthur Cox Employment Law Yearbook 2017 is available to purchase online from Bloomsbury Professional by clicking here.