Arthur Cox Employment Law Yearbook 2020 published

We are pleased to announce the publication of the tenth volume of the Arthur Cox Employment Law Yearbook, available to purchase from Bloomsbury Professional here.
Despite the interruptions in 2020 due to COVID-19, employment law continues to grow with compelling decisions from the WRC and the Labour Court, as well as fascinating cases in Ireland, the UK and at EU level. This book sets out the latest developments and information on employment law and related areas in 2020.
The 2020 Yearbook comprises:
- Irish law – decisions of the Superior Courts, Labour Court, Equality Tribunal, EAT and WRC;
- Irish legislation and statutory instruments;
- English law so far as relevant;
- EU law – ECJ decisions and relevant Directives/Regulations;
- Other material such as annual reports of employment bodies.
This is an essential book for lawyers specialising in employment law and other relevant areas, as well as HR professionals, in-house counsel, managers and trade union officials. Students studying employment law will also benefit from this invaluable, up-to-date resource.
Learn more about our Employment Law Group here.