Arthur Cox alliance Podcast Series: An Interview With BeLong To – LGBTI+ Life In Lockdown
In our inaugural alliance podcast episode, Keith Donaldson, alliance committee member, is joined by Matt Kennedy, Policy and Research Officer at BeLong To Youth Services, and Kate Cummins, Youth Worker at BeLong To Youth Services, to discuss the organisations work, particularly a recent report produced and released last year titled ‘The LGBTI+ Life in Lockdown’.
The podcast looks at the challenges our LGBTI+ youth in particular faced throughout the covid pandemic, the importance of BeLong To and it’s services and what we can all do to help support our LGBTI+ youth.
The Arthur Cox podcast series ‘AC Audio’ is a collection of knowledge and insights across a range of practice areas within the firm.Disclaimer: The contents of this podcast are to assist access to information and do not constitute legal or other advice. Specific advice should be sought in relation to specific cases. If you would like more information on this topic, please contact a member of the corporate governance and compliance team.