Arthur Cox named Champion Law Firm at the Amicus Champions of Justice Awards 2021
Arthur Cox is delighted to be named Champion Law Firm at the 2021 Amicus Champions of Justice Awards.
The work with Amicus was led by Alex McLean, Partner, with substantial contributions from Carolann Minnock, Pro bono Associate, Zac Van Horn, Senior Associate, Amina Flynn, Associate, and Valentyna Chekanska, Associate.
Amicus is a small charity that helps provide representation for those facing the death penalty in the United States.
They believe the death penalty is disproportionately imposed on the most vulnerable in society, violating their right to due process and equal justice before the law. Amicus aims to provide better access to justice and raise awareness of potential abuses of defendants rights.
Champions of Justice is Amicus’ annual celebration of the law firms and individual volunteers who work pro bono to ensure justice in the US death penalty system.
To date, 150 Arthur Cox lawyers have reviewed thousands of legal documents and provided approximately 4,200 pro bono hours to Amicus’ projects, which included seven casework projects and essential assistance in challenging the legality of Florida’s death penalty laws.
For more information on the work Amicus do visit: